While it isn’t November, summer is a great time for the people of the showpig world to practice gratitude. Whether you’re selling a market hog at your county fair, topping a national sale or just exhibiting at a show brought to you by sponsors, being gracious is an important part of making lasting connections in this industry. The Showpig.com team put together some thoughts about saying, “Thanks.”
The best kind of thank yous are sincere. Rather than a generic note, make it personal with specific details about what you’re grateful for. The showpig business has a little to do with pigs and a lot to do with the folks you meet along the way. Make sure your tribe feels appreciated.
Thank yous don’t have to be a simple note card. They could be a small gift or token, a photo or even an advertisement. Think beyond the stationary box, but remember a good ol’ fashioned hand-written note is still hard to beat.
While it may sound silly for producers to send thanks to those who support them along the way, you’re never too big to show gratitude. Even the largest producers depend on repeat customers, and those customers are much more likely to return when they feel appreciated.
A thank you means the most when it’s still fresh. Put yourself in the buyer’s or sponsor’s shoes, and think how much sweeter their post purchase glow will be when you add a little recognition. It’s always best to try to thank your customer within a few days of their purchase or, in the case of print, in the next issue of the publication. For those of you who show, remember to write thank yous to show sponsors. Many shows have thank you writing booths set up, so you can make notes of your appreciation right then and there.
We’ve already said it once, and we will shamelessly say it again – this business is about people. And, people will surely appreciate simple gestures such as Christmas cards or a note to see how everything is going.
Speaking of gratitude, now would be a great time to tell each and every one of you how grateful we are for your business at Showpig.com. We can’t wait to continue to work with you in the future, whether you’re looking to buy your first barrow or you’re planning to take the next step in building your business, we’re confident we can help you achieve your goals.
Lastly, our summer fair crew who will undoubtedly be writing thank yous to market project buyers and award sponsors, here is a no fail recipe for thank you success.
Greetings: Dear ________________
Express your thanks: I’m very grateful you __________________.
Add specific details: Your contribution will allow me to _____________________.
Look ahead: I hope you will continue to support other swine project members, such as myself in the future.
Restate your thanks: Thanks again for your ______________.
End with regards: Sincerely, ___________