Pack your clothes, check the show box, and load up the pigs, essential tasks to a successful pig show. However, if you are thinking about pulling out of the driveway without a box of snacks—you’ve never dealt with a hangry showman. In order to help you avoid a show day disaster, we asked the experts what snacks every show family needs to pack.
So, who are the experts? Our team, of course. With an array of experiences and a variety of views, we think we put together a great pre-show grocery list.
Katey Evans: Goldfish and Granola Bars
Tonya Fender: Chocolate Chip Granola Bars and Fruit Snacks
Lea Kimley: Cheez-Its and any kind of cookies
Emily Miller: All flavors of popcorn
Taylor Miller: Taking advantage of the fair food vendors, specifically jumbo sweet tea
Michelle Scholl: Buy Chex Mix and add your own goodies—M&M’s, Peanuts, Cheetos, Bugles, and more!
Amy Smith: You have to have all the basic food groups covered—sweet, salty, healthy, and unhealthy! I like to pack peanut butter, chips, strawberry licorice, fruit snacks, apples, and bananas and then usually buy cookies at a local store (no-bake, snickerdoodles, chocolate chip, etc.)
Stacey Wajte: Make a few types of cookies to take with you
Kevin Wendt: Twizzlers, root beer, beef jerky, Arnold Palmer, and Reese’s.
Maddie Fugate: Pull and Peel Twizzlers
Macy Mead: Pringles
Carson Read: Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
Riley Reep: Cookies
Darian Ruppert: Beef Jerky
Jenna Siegel: Pretzel Chips
Maddie Caldwell: Fruit Roll-Ups