Giving back and supporting local communities is a huge part of what makes the livestock industry so special. Whether that is through your time, money, or donations, it all matters and makes a difference. As we head into a new show season, take some time to think of ways your project can be used to give back once your time showing your animal is complete. There are places in multiple states that allow you to donate pork for families in need. Below is a list of some of the opportunities available where you can help make a difference!
Pork Power Donation Program
Illinois Pork Producers Council
Thanks to donations from pig farmers and support from various partners, Pork Power has provided more than 1 MILLION pounds of pork, amounting to more than 3.3 MILLION servings, to hungry Illinois residents since the program began in 2008. Food banks across Illinois work with the association to accept donations and distribute to families throughout the state.
Find more information here:
Oklahoma Pork Council
Giving back is a cornerstone of what Oklahoma pig farmers do. Throughout the year, Oklahoma pork participates in multiple donation events. One of their biggest being the Give a Ham event around the holidays.
Find more information here:
Feeding Indiana’s Hungry
IN Pork has been a tremendous partner of Feeding Indiana’s Hungry with the Million Meals program, which will donate one million pork meals annually to Indiana’s food banks.
Find more information here:
The above are programs in place specifically for pork, however most local food banks will take meat donations. To find a list of food banks in your area, visit Every person has within themselves the ability to do good. And every good deed has a ripple effect – like throwing a pebble into a lake – and continues to grow until you have a whole movement of people doing acts of kindness. Small acts, like donating extra meat, can make a big difference in your community. Do more good, and good will come to you.