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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Arlington, Indiana is the home of Premium Blend Genetics and owner, Ted Laird and his wife of 30 years, Regina. Ted and Regina have four children: Jacob, Morgan, Nolan & Mitchell. We asked Ted to share with us a little bit about how he keeps everything running and this is what he said…

One word that best describes how you work: Late

Current Mobile Device: Samsung S5 with a very large protective case.  Jesse Heimer says it is the largest phone in the world.

Current Computer: ASUS Satellite Laptop with a 36” monitor attached.

Current Camera: Nikon D3200

First , tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business Some of the key things we try to focus on are: Treat our customers a little better than we would expect to be treated, answer the phone promptly & listen well to what our customers are looking for and understand that EVERY purchase (semen, showpig, or bred sow) is the beginning of what our customers hope will help make their show-pig dreams come true.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Phone & computer Facebook - Instant updates to a large percentage of our customer base on what is going on @ PBG. Our website - Provides all detailed information on our sires and other activities - Showpig & bred sow sales & advertising program that has a large reach in the showpig world. - Prompt show results, web-cast viewing, and advertising to a large audience.

How do you keep your to-do list? White board in my office and note cards.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why? The TV remote & believe the “why” is clear.

What do you listen to while you work? Usually nothing during the day but will fire up Adele “21” on the laptop during late-night sessions.  Boys tell me that is embarrassing to admit.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret? I wouldn't say we are better at anything than others.  We work very hard to acquire the most elite genetics possible, settle females, and give our customers the best advice possible on what boar would match their female.  We work hard to promptly promote our customer’s success.

What are you currently reading? Pig magazines and the Rushville Republican (twice a week).

How do you recharge? Going out to dinner with my wife and our friends.

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore? Favorite is mowing the yard. Least favorite is billing/collection.

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale About 1 minute for me and on average 20 minutes for Mitch, Nolan & Jacob who handle that activity.  Mitch gets them ready to picture, Nolan photos, Jake poses them, Nolan sorts the pictures, Jake writes the descriptions, and I do the final review.

Describe your ideal customer. One that understands we very much WANT them to succeed with their purchase and have done and will do everything we can do to make that happen.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see Will Winter answer these same questions.  I like hearing Will Winter’s point of view on almost anything.

What's the best advice you've ever received? Trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
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