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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Nick Berry is the CEO at Swine Genetics International and part owner of Lettow Showpigs.  He lives in Ames, IA with his wife Corinn and 2-year-old daughter Collins.  Nick is equally passionate about the commercial swine industry and the educational platform that the showpig industry can provide for our future leaders in the pig business.

One word that best describes how you work: Relentless Current Mobile Device: iphone 6

Current Computer: HP

Current Camera: iphone 6

First, tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business? At SGI we have a very strong brand because of our unique quality standards that differentiate our business from a herd health and semen quality perspective. At Lettow Showpigs, I think that we do a couple of things that differentiate our brand. We put on a lot of miles building relationships, looking at hogs and working with families to get to know how our hogs can fit their needs. We’ve focused on building hogs that are elite in their skeletal build and design, so that they offer versatility to our customers.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why? I’m a sports nut, so I utilize twitter to follow games, the ESPN website, etc to stay connected with scores and news.  I’m also utilizing the weather channel app to stay up to speed on the forecast, facebook to market pigs and view others livestock, etc.

How do you keep your to-do list? I’m a big fan of the over-sized post-it notes.  My desk is cluttered with them!  I also utilize the notes tool on my iphone to keep myself focused and organized as I complete daily work.  The calendar function on my iphone is a savior as well.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why? My ipad.  I utilize it for everything from business communications, to videoing livestock or for family purposes.

What do you listen to while you work? I’m a sports talk radio guy.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret? Probably juggling lots of responsibilities and wearing many hats.  I do best when I’m busiest actually.  I think my secret is putting those around me into roles where they can help lead and influence, so that our larger team can be successful and serve customers the best.

What are you currently reading? Actually a book on leadership/management styles right now.

How do you recharge? Spending time with my family definitely helps!  We are a pretty active group, so putting my cell phone on silent on occasion is probably key.  Although my wife says this never happens J My favorite thing to do to recharge is to spend time on the lake!

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore? My favorite chore is grooming my lawn.  My least favorite chore is pushing snow!

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale? It depends on how the pigs behave and how Tye behaves.  I’ve never really thought about the commitment of time in this way, but I suppose 10-15 minutes per pig.  I know we are much more efficient at it now than in the past.  Practice makes perfect I guess!

Describe your ideal customer. I think communication is key.  I like people that are clear with their wants and needs upfront.  That extra transparency allows for all of us to align on expectations.  After that, I think the ideal customer evolves into more of a friend/family member than someone that you simply make a business transaction with.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see Jason Lackey answer these same questions.

What's the best advice you've ever received? These two are separate, but I use them both… In business – keep emotion separate from business need. In life – one of my rules is to never look sideways at what other people are doing, but instead do what I think is right.

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