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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Triple L Showpigs in Janesville, WI is a small family owned and operated business that started in 2000.  Laura and Darren both raised pigs growing up, but their families never continued farming.  They took a leap of faith into the hog business together at the age of 22 years old with two small children who are now 17 and 15.  They currently run about 50 sows that consist of Crossbreds, Yorkshires, Berks, Spots and a few Hamps.  In stud, they have six boars that they collect and offer semen.  They both grew up mostly with pedigree swine, but also enjoy the diversity the crossbreds bring to the table. 

One word that best describes how you work: efficiently

Current Mobile Device: Samsung Galaxy 6

Current Computer: Mac Current Camera: iPad

First , tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business?

We don’t have a long family history behind our operation. We built our operation from the ground up.  We’ve been able to produce champions with our own genetics and are very proud of that. The four of us (Me, Laura, Austin and Natalee) handle all of the daily operations together and we’ve become a pretty great team. We don’t have any hired help (well, at least until the kids leave for college), but we enjoy spending that quality time together. Everyone has a job, a place, and we are all passionate about what we do. We enjoy working with others that share that same passion and values.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why? First and foremost - my pliers - I always have them on me and you’d be surprised how many people ask to borrow them., google, craigslist

How do you keep your to-list? It’s all in my head, but I do have a notebook.

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why? XM radio - I can’t travel without it.

What do you listen to while you work? On Sunday’s its Retro-Country, otherwise 90’s, country, rock, - I’m pretty diversified when it comes to music and like just about anything. 

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret? I’m not sure I’m better at anything, but I’m not afraid to tackle anything.  God has provided me with very useful hands and I pride myself on being able to fix almost anything.

What are you currently reading? The Pork Topic and Show Circuit magazines.

How do you recharge? Spending time together on the weekends.

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore? My least favorite chore is pressure washing the farrowing and nursery buildings. My favorite chore, if you call it a chore, is helping my kids fine-tune their 4-H & FFA projects - feeding, walking, washing and evaluating what we should do next. I enjoy working with them and discussing how they should get their hog, lamb or steer ready for the show ring. 

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale? I’d say anywhere between 45-60 minutes. 

Describe your ideal customer. A repeat customer - they have found faith and trust in you and your genetics.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see Tibbits Showpigs answer these same questions.

What's the best advice you've ever received? Don’t out smart common sense.

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