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The Block - It's more than a show pig

We may be partial, but we think the team is one of the best in the country. With that said it’s high time we introduce ourselves, for those of you who haven’t met us. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to introduce our team members one-by-one, so you can learn more about those behind the brand. We hope that you enjoy these glimpses of the folks running auctions, answering phones and sending you emails.

Today, we’re highlighting Taylor Miller, Marketing Agent

I’ve been with since: 2014

Hometown: Wauseon, Ohio

What do you do (or how would you describe your job):  I manage online auctions and the All-Star team along with advertising and company/client hospitality!

Favorite part about my job: I love the variety my job offers! From managing sales, coordinating the All-Star team, and company event planning/hospitality, I am never bored. I appreciate working for a company that takes the time to learn my strengths and allows me to do those tasks daily!

My co-workers describe me as: Color-coded, Organized, Detailed, Creative, Sociable, Thoughtful, Planner

What do you listen to while you work: Curious George, while my toddler watches, so I can get stuff done! If he is with my mom, a Dave Ramsey podcast or Scandal episodes in the background. I don't like silence!

What is your favorite new feature on the new website: Consignors being able to upload their own sales. With all the newness last spring in the website, merge with Pig Planet, and software, I would not have been able to keep up uploading sales as well. I like that consignors have more hands-on ability, have access to more on the back end and can upload/manage their sales on their own timeline. If they want to upload 2 weeks early or 1 a.m. they can do what works for their schedule!

Outside of work I enjoy:  Spending time with my husband and new baby, family and friends, reading, Netflix, and traveling.

What is your favorite show: I don't travel to many big shows, but I went to WPX last summer and I enjoyed it! I love getting to actually see people I know and catch up rather than always being on the phone/computer with them!

What is your favorite breed: I love Chester Whites!

What would you be lost without: My son/husband, phone, computer, bottles of water, Spark and chapstick!

What is your favorite quote: "What makes you different or weird - that's your strength." - Meryl Streep

Who has had the biggest impact on your life: It’s a tie between my mom, my son, Rollie, and my husband. I could go on and on as to why, but they are all the greatest!

If you could have supper with anyone (living or passed), who would it be and why: My Great Grandma Jane – she passed many years ago, but I have been thinking of her a lot lately. I would love for her to meet my son and husband and get to squeeze her one more time!  

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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
© 2024 The Wendt Group, Inc.