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The team caught up with David Korb of Korb Farms, Ohio, amid all the excitement following their record-busting Yorkshire boar sale at the Summer Type Conference, and this is “How They Work.”

Describe your operation. (size, scope, breeds) We run approximately 70 sows consisting of Hampshire, Yorkshire, Landrace, Durocs, and Crossbreds. While I’m not sure exactly when we got started in the hog business, I can tell you we’ve come a long way compared to the stories my grandfather tells me about farrowing Hampshire gilts in mud puddles. I can remember at a young age, Dad (Mark) raised F1 replacement gilts and sold feeder pig groups before repopulating in 2001 to raise showpigs. While my Dad and I are the faces of the operation, we couldn’t do it all by ourselves. My Dad’s brothers (Jim and Hank) help out a lot with just about anything. Our neighbor, Bob Mahlerwein, has been running after semen for us for the last 16 years, and our other neighbors, Carroll Scott and Madelyn Harrison, are key contributors in our operation as well.

What is your goal at ______________ when raising showpigs? To raise good hogs every single day of our lives! (And win purple banners!)

What makes Korb Farms, Inc, unique? Our most unique asset is our ability to be competitive across five different breeds. I think our hogs set themselves apart in the fact that they blend show ring traits with everyday function and production.

What does it feel like to raise a world record setting boar? Unhuman - 4 days later, and I still don’t believe it. Very numbing.

How do you know when you've raised "the one?" I get a tingling in my arms and legs, and the hair on the back of my neck will stand up. It’s a rare feeling.

Describe your most rewarding moment in the industry. The most rewarding moment in the industry will come someday when we win the Ohio State Fair and I get to step in the ring to judge a major. I won’t quit or take time to feel “rewarded” until those days come!

What’s the first thing you look at when viewing sales on Why? Pedigrees! As a pedigree freak, I don’t even look at the picture until I read the pedigree.

One word that best describes how you work: Disorganized What is your most important gadget or electronic device? Why? iPhone; I’d be lost without it.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why? Basically, anything that involves showpigs!, are websites I use often. Plus, all the social media apps on my phone and the group message feature keeps me up-to-date on the showpig world. #PeanutGallery4Lyfe

What do you listen to while you work? Lil Wayne Pandora Station, Eric Church Pandora Station or whatever song I’m obsessed with at the time on repeat.

What is the secret to your success? (or at least one you would share) The secret to my success is having the desire to be great and taking the necessary steps to do so. The rest seems to fall in place.

How do you keep from getting burned out with the day-to-day? Winners don’t get burned out!

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore? My favorite chore is washing and walking a good boar, and my least favorite chore is anything involving Landrace.

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale? On average, it takes about an hour. We hope this new showbarn cuts that time down a little!

Describe your ideal customer. The ideal customer takes the necessary steps to win! Each customer is different, but I want them all to want it as badly as I do!

What do you find most satisfying after a long day in the barn? Cracking open a couple cold ones and admiring my favorite hogs!

What's the best advice you've ever received? My high school baseball coach Brion Treadway always told us to “FIGURE IT OUT.” It didn’t make a lot of sense then, but it rings true today! It doesn’t matter what the scenario is, it’s up to you to figure out your problems. No one else will do it for you.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see _______ answer these same questions. Dave and Austin Joostberns

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121 Jackson Street
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