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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Briefly introduce yourself:

In 5th grade, I was asked what I thought I would be doing when I was 35 and I wrote that I would have 2 kids, sell feed, and raise cattle.  Although it is pigs and not cattle, and there has been a lot of “life” that has caused some bends in the road, this pretty much sums it up.  My 2 kids, Kaden (8) and Kamlynn (5) are absolutely amazing. I work for Lindner Feed & Milling, and own/operate The Stud with one of my best friends. We maintain 20 crossbred boars in the boar stud and run approximately 150 sows.

Location:  Montgomery, TX

One word that best describes how you work:  Diligent.

Current Mobile Device: iPhone 6

Current Computer: ASUS laptop

Current Camera: Cannon Rebel T5

First, tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business?

I think because of how we became The Stud and what we experienced as separate, individual breeders is what dictates our mindset and makes us unique as well allows our partnership to be successful.  The farms are almost 100 miles apart.  We have very different and specific roles in the operation.  We both experienced some success in the pig business separately but realize that together we can accomplish more because we are so different in our skillset and approach to breeding, genetics, management, etc.  Where Daniel and I are exactly the same is that we know it is a people and a kid business and truly care about the individuals and families that support our program. I also believe our support in terms of the “Be A Stud” camps, “Check Ups”, help at the shows, and assistance throughout the feeding period is of unique value to the showpig customers specifically.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why?

We use the google sheets app to maintain semen orders and share across all of our devices. However, as much as I hate to admit it, Facebook would be the number one website.  It has become how I stay current with what is going on in the industry and even news around the world. I could definitely live without it, but snapchat has sure become entertaining.

How do you keep your to-do list?

8” x 11” sheet of cardstock printer paper;  I write it out every morning.  The crew here gets real tired of my lists!

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why?

I use my phone for virtually everything.  What can you do on another gadget that you can’t on your phone?

What do you listen to while you work?

We definitely listen to a variety of music around here, but Chris Stapleton, Eric Church, and Kid Rock are my go tos to get through long projects right now.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret?

I would say staying positive and motivated. We are blessed to even have the ability to work and I am truly grateful. I am reminded all the time how great God is and it’s easy to stay positive if you will just recognize this!

What are you currently reading?

I do not read much if it’s not a showpig related publication.

How do you recharge?

I really require very little sleep so a good night’s rest is usually plenty but I do enjoy a little time without my phone while hanging out with my kids.

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore?

My favorite chore is feeding in the morning and least favorite is definitely cleaning the chip barn.

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale?

I am going to say on average around an hour.  I am not patient, I am not a good photographer and I get distracted and pulled in different directions. It’s a bad combo for online sales and why we don’t have many or any huge sales.  I really admire those breeders that can and do!

Describe your ideal customer.

Great question.  I appreciate all customers and their uniqueness but I would say there are a few characteristics that would define an “ideal customer;” Loyal, Dedicated, Respectful. A customer that recognizes and considers us to be on the “same team.” I want a customer to openly communicate their needs, feed program, goals, etc., so I can help point in them in the right direction initially and then help from that point on.  We encourage feedback and are willing to help anyone, anytime, but we do get spread thin, so people that are respectful of the time, especially with our families, are very much appreciated.  I promise I will put equal attention and effort as the customers do to their project, so the next characteristic would be one that truly takes it seriously and is dedicated. Lastly and, without question, most importantly our ideal customer is certainly someone that is loyal.  Everyone wants to win and we can hope they all turn out and they all work, but some just don’t.  However, the customers that trust that we truly are trying to provide a pig they can be successful with, help along the way and will continue to invest time, knowledge, and effort in the kid are the ones we want!  We will win together and lose together and we see the value of the project more than simply winning (but we also know that it sure is more fun when we do!)  That loyalty is what has made The Stud pig exhibitors successful and in the end if we work together we will accomplish a lot more.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see _______ answer these same questions. Mike Clay

What's the best advice you've ever received?

“Think about it”. I think a lot! Probably too much. With any task, project, homework, decision, etc. my parents would always say to “Think about it” and if I said I thought I couldn’t do it, they would say to “Think about it” more before they would jump in. This single thing has made life at the farm and in business a lot easier.  Think about it before you start doing anything. Even as routine as the semen lab duties have become, I stop and “think about it” every collection day before we begin.  Think about it before you start a project so you are prepared and have everything you need.  Think about it as you make a business decision.  Think about it when you are talking to a new customer or kid about their project.  Our mind is great and if you will just think through things, the outcome will be better and you will find you really can do most anything.

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121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
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(614) 403-0726
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