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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Briefly introduce yourself: 

Butts Farms currently consists of 50 showpig/breeding stock sows, 75 percent of which are Duroc and the remaining are Crossbred. These sows are carefully bred to deliver show pig enthusiasts championship banner quality hogs. There are 60+ years of duroc and crossbred experience starting with Alan.  At the climax of Butts Farms in the 70's, 80's & 90's there were 300+ sows which was driving towards selling 400+ commercial red boars and 300-400 Showpigs a year. The fluctuation of the hog market over the years has gotten the farm where it is today. Jayson and Courtney along with their children Kaden (8) and Emersen (5) continue the Butts Farms winning tradition.

Location:  Evansville, WI

One word that best describes how you work: Spontaneous: anyone that farms knows spontaneous is the only way you can work.

Current Mobile Device: iPhone 6

Current Computer: iPad Air

Current Camera: iPad

First, tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business?

Passion, history, and attention to detail separate us from other operations. There are a lot of people who have passion for this industry but what separates us from them is our history combined with passion. Being apart of this industry for 60+ years brings your passion to whole new level. In a world where it is so easy to get into this business when it's good and get out when it's bad we have stayed the course and have been apart of many ups and downs. This drives your passion even further. Attention to detail is what keeps your operation in the front of the pack.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why?

Facebook, and the pig planet. These tools give us an opportunity to see where the industry is and also project ourselves for everyone else.

How do you keep your to-do list? Locked in the vault

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why?

My family. Pound for pound they are the best crew in America. I could live without the phones, gadgets and reading materials. I could not live with out everyone being on board and invested with the same goals in mind. What we accomplish together exceeds what any gadget or tool could ever do!

What do you listen to while you work?

96.3 STAR country is my go to but most anything will do.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret?

On a day-to-day basis there is not enough time in the day to get everything done. With many years of experience I have learned the things that truly matter, the things that matter, and the things that don't. ALWAYS keep the things that truly matter at the top of the list.

What are you currently reading?

Who has time to read?! Road signs and the breeding book are the top 2 things I've been reading. Seedstock Edge is up there too.

How do you recharge?

I don't think you ever get a chance to recharge. It's more like refocus. Just when you get tired of one phase it is time to move on to the next.

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore?

Favorite chores and breeding and farrowing because that is where your future begins.
Pressure washing is my least favorite because it never ends.

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale?

Anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. Each pig gets pictured at least twice to make sure we get the ideal pose. Once the perfect picture is selected I dictate the entertaining descriptions while Courtney types everything up and gets it sent off.

Describe your ideal customer.

A repeat customer because they WANT to buy from you and be apart of your program. We love having customers like this. With great customers like that you can take your business to a whole new level!

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see ________ answer these same questions. Brett Beyers

What's the best advice you've ever received?

Display your livestock, yourself, your family and last name at all times with the utmost class and integrity! HP! Whether you realize it or not you are always being watched and on display. It might be as simple as taking a pig to the wash rack at a national show. Could be how you and your family conduct themselves at a jackpot show. Even how you put together your online sale and how it presents itself. The people watching may be potential customers or future employers. Life is all about perspective whether we like it or not. So always leave a positive impression on people.

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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
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