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The Block - It's more than a show pig

Jennifer Slagle, her dad, Ron Smith, and her husband, Don, are the principals behind WinMor Farms, a 65-sow show pig operation located in Grinnell, Iowa which is one hour east of Des Moines on I-80.  Don and Jennifer reside in the Des Moines suburb of Johnston with their two children, Will (7) and Anna (5).  They both work full-time in the ag financial services industry.  Don also manages their row-crop farm.  They feel very fortunate that Jennifer’s dad, Rob, is able to fully devote his time to managing the show pig operation.

One word that best describes how you work:  Efficiently.  It’s all about maximizing the number of productive minutes in my day!

Current Mobile Device:  I carry two iPhone 5s…one for work and the other for show pig conversations.

Current Computer:  I have both an HP and a Dell.  My greatest accomplishment is teaching my Dad how to use a computer but I would never let him touch mine…

Current Camera: Just lately, we have been doing quite a few pictures from an iPad Mini.  We’re finding that we’re probably giving up a little in picture quality but it’s been a real time-saver to be able to select, zoom and crop while we’re in the picture pen.  And, the screen size is big enough for Dad to see without his glasses. J  As soon as we get the shot he wants, we’re done!

First, tell us what you feel separates your business from other operations in the show pig business? That’s tough to answer.  Like so many of our friends in this business, we are very much about putting our family first.  While we have a desire to grow and be successful, we are very conscious to remain at a scale where we feel things are being done the right way.  It’s important to us to be able to balance our business priorities with family priorities. Those who know us recognize that we have a passion for the maternal side of our business.  We maintain extreme discipline in gilt selection and breed with the goal of producing the very best females.  We won’t hesitate to purchase a female from the outside if we think she can take us to the next level faster than we can reach on our own.  Likewise, we won’t price a female that we know we can’t afford to let go.

What websites, apps or tools can’t you live without? Why?  I love to follow the show pig happenings on Facebook, Showpig, and Pig Planet I try to stay away from Pinterest because I find it oh-so-addictive but it’s a lifesaver when planning kids’ themed birthday parties!

How do you keep your to-list? When I’m working on the farm, I will text myself reminders constantly.  If we’re planning a major breeding event, an online sale or delivery routes after the sale, I rely on Excel spreadsheets to detail our tasks, deadlines and the names of who is accountable for each.  No one is safe from my list…

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can't you live without and why? My DVR keeps me connected with the outside world during the Fall and Spring selling seasons!

What do you listen to while you work? I don’t listen to music at work but during my frequent drives between home and the farm, I love the soundtracks from the TV show, Nashville.  I’m also fond of 90s on 9 on XM Radio which drives my husband crazy.

What everyday thing are you better at than everyone else? What's your secret? I have two mottos rolling in my brain at all times:  1) the fastest way from A to B is a straight line and 2) don’t put off ‘til tomorrow what you can do today.  I like organization and efficiency…and having all of the necessary tools and supplies in one place when it’s time to do a job.  I can be very impatient when it comes to waste and do-overs.  I believe God showed his sense of humor by giving me two strong-willed children and by placing me in the middle of a livestock operation.  I have learned over time to be more flexible in my timeline and my expectations for what can realistically be accomplished in one day.  Dad has a tendency to drift from the task at hand to study a pen of pigs or to dream up ideal matings. Someday, I won’t have my Dad alongside me and it’s these kinds of task-derailment conversations that I’ll miss the most. So, when I catch him sitting on a bucket studying a new litter in the middle of feeding sows…I’m a lot quicker to pull up another bucket alongside him and simply listen and learn.

What are you currently reading? I’m lucky to have time to read the instructions for the kids’ homework at night.  We try to read their library books at least once before they’re due back to school!

How do you recharge? I enjoy Date Nights with my husband and Girls Nights with friends.  Stacey Watje is a great ally who understands the industry well.  When things get crazy, she’s my “phone-a-friend”.

What is your favorite and least-favorite chore? My dad would say that, more than anything, I love to embarrass him on social media.  (and this is true).  Seriously, I love everything associated with the farrowing house.  There’s nothing better than the early mornings with mamas and new babies.  And, while stressful, I also enjoy pulling off the online sales.  My least favorite?  Giving shots to animals larger than me!

How long does it take you to picture, sort and write a description for ONLY one pig in an online sale? We try to start the process early and complete a few each day.  We started doing videos for our lots and editing them adds time to the process.  I would say that we’re probably looking at 20 to 30 min from start to finish.  If dad doesn’t like the song I picked for the video, the process starts all over…and I’ve already said I’m not a fan of do-overs and waste…so you can imagine how well that stand-off goes.

Describe your ideal customer.  Repeat.

Fill in the blank: I'd love to see __Seth Swenson ______ answer these same questions.

What's the best advice you've ever received? The animals have had all day to plan their escape route.  Never go to bed without checking locks on gates one last time.

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